TED Lesson / Arianna Huffington: How to succeed? Get more sleep (アリアナ・ハフィントン「成功の鍵とは? もっと睡眠をとりましょう」)

2012年08月03日 未分類.

TED Arianna Huffington: How to succeed? Get more sleep

About This Talk

In this short talk, Arianna Huffington shares a small idea that can awaken much bigger ones: the power of a good night’s sleep. Instead of bragging about our sleep deficits, she urges us to shut our eyes and see the big picture: We can sleep our way to increased productivity and happiness — and smarter decision-making.

*There is a word list below the script. The list includes blue colored words which are in the script.




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(1) My big idea is a very, very small idea that can unlock billions of big ideas that are at the moment dormant inside us. And my little idea that will do that is sleep.



(2) This is a room of type-A women. This is a room of sleep-deprived women. And I learned the hard way, the value of sleep. Two-and-a-half years ago, I fainted from exhaustion. I hit my head on my desk. I broke my cheekbone, I got five stitches on my right eye. And I began the journey of rediscovering the value of sleep. And in the course of that, I studied, I met with medical doctors, scientists, and I’m here to tell you that the way to a more productive, more inspired, more joyful life is getting enough sleep.


(3) And we women are going to lead the way in this new revolution, this new feminist issue. We are literally going to sleep our way to the top, literally.



(4) Because unfortunately for men, sleep deprivation has become a virility symbol. I was recently having dinner with a guy who bragged that he had only gotten four hours sleep the night before. And I felt like saying to him — but I didn’t say it — I felt like saying, “You know what? If you had gotten five, this dinner would have been a lot more interesting.”


(5) There is now a kind of sleep deprivation one-upmanship. Especially here in Washington, if you try to make a breakfast date, and you say, “How about eight o’clock?” they’re likely to tell you, “Eight o’clock is too late for me, but that’s okay, I can get a game of tennis in and do a few conference calls and meet you at eight.” And they think that means that they are so incredibly busy and productive, but the truth is they’re not, because we, at the moment, have had brilliant leaders in business, in finance, in politics, making terrible decisions. So a high I.Q. does not mean that you’re a good leader, because the essence of leadership is being able to see the iceberg before it hits the Titanic. And we’ve had far too many icebergs hitting our Titanics.

(6) In fact, I have a feeling that if Lehman Brothers was Lehman Brothers and Sisters, they might still be around. (Applause) While all the brothers were busy just being hyper-connected 24/7, maybe a sister would have noticed the iceberg, because she would have woken up from a seven-and-a-half- or eight-hour sleep and have been able to see the big picture.

(7) So as we are facing all the multiple crises in our world at the moment, what is good for us on a personal level, what’s going to bring more joy, gratitude, effectiveness in our lives and be the best for our own careers is also what is best for the world. So I urge you to shut your eyes and discover the great ideas that lie inside us, to shut your engines and discover the power of sleep.

Thank you.



Let’s talk about the article base on the questions below.

Viewpoints or discussion

  1. How many hours of sleep do you usually have? Do you think it’s enough for you or not?
  2. Which is better to be successful, having enough sleep, or “no sleep” at all?
  3. What should you do if you want to have enough sleep?



(1) unlock /ənˈläk/ verb, make something previously inaccessible or unexploited available for use

dormant /ˈdɔːm(ə)nt/ adjective, being in a state of suspended consciousness

(2) type-A woman adjective, refers to a woman who is always in control and at the top of her career.

sleep-deprived adjective, having a lack of sleep

learn the hard way verb, learn something by experience, especially by an unpleasant or hard experience

faint /feɪnt/ verb, to become unconscious when not enough blood is going to your brain, usually because of the heat, a shock, etc.

exhaustion /igˈzôsCHən/ noun, a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue

stitch /stiCH/ a loop or thread used to join the edges of a wound or surgical incision

productive /prəˈdʌktɪv/ adjective, achieving a significant amount or result

inspired /inˈspīrd/ adjective, of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse

joyful /ˈjoifəl/ adjective, feeling, expressing or causing great pleasure and happiness

(3) Revolution /rɛvəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ noun, a dramatic and wide-reaching change in conditions, attitudes or operations

feminist /ˈfɛmənɪst/ noun, a person who supports feminism, adjective, relating to or supporting feminism

literally /ˈlitərəlē, ˈlitrə-/ adverb, in a literal manner or sense, exactly

(4) virility /vɪˈrɪlɪti/ noun, the quality of having strength, energy, and a strong sex drive; manliness

brag /brag/ verb, say something in a boastful manner

felt like saying verb, the urge to say something that is on one’s mind

(5) one-upmanship informal, the art or practice of achieving or maintaining an advantage over others, often by slightly unscrupulous means

incredible /inˈkredəbəl/ adjective, impossible to believe

productive /prəˈdəktiv, prō-/ adjective, producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities

deprivation /dɛprɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n/ noun, the damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society

brilliant /ˈbrɪlj(ə)nt/ adjective, exceptionally clever or talented

essence /ˈɛs(ə)ns/ noun, the intrinsic nature or indispensible quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines a character

iceberg /ˈīsˌbərg/ noun, a large floating mass of ice detached from a glacier or ice sheet and carried out to sea.

(6) hyper-connected adjective, a term for people who feel they need to communicate virtually – via email, mobile phone, or text – 24 hours a day

24/7 informal, all day, or 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

big picture noun, the entire perspective on a situation or issue

(7) multiple crises, a number of problems

gratitude /ˈgratəˌt(y)o͞od/ noun, quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness

be the best for adjective, of being the most suitable, pleasing or effective type for others

urge /ᴈːdʒ / verb 1 to advise or try hard to persuade sb to do sth



(1) 私の大きなアイディアは とてもとても小さなものですが 我々の中に眠っている 何百万のより大きなアイディアを 解き放つことが出来ます その小さなアイディアとは 睡眠です



(2) この会場にいる多くの皆さんは バリバリ働くタイプの女性 睡眠不足になりがちな女性です 私は睡眠の大切さを 身をもって学びました 2年半前 私は 疲労から意識を失いました 頭を机に打ち 頬骨を骨折し 右目の上を5針縫いました こうして私は睡眠の大切さを 再発見する旅に出たのです この旅路の途中 医者や科学者に会って 学んだことを 皆さんに申し上げます より生産的で エキサイティング かつ喜びに満ちた人生をもたらすものは 十分な睡眠なのです


(3) 私たち女性が この新たな革命の指揮を取るのです 眠ることによって トップの座を得るのです



(4) 残念ながら男性にとって 睡眠不足が 男らしさの象徴になっています 先日ある男性と食事をしたのですが 彼は前夜4時間しか寝てないことを 自慢げに語っていました 口にはしてませんが 心に思ってたのは 「なにそれ? もし5時間 寝てたらこの夕食ももっと 盛り上がっていたのにね」


(5) 今日では睡眠不足が 流行っているようです 特にここワシントンで朝食デートを する際に「8時でどう?」と訊くと 大抵の場合は「8時は遅すぎるな まぁいいや テニスをして電話会議も 済まして8時に会いに行くよ」となります こう言うことで彼らは自分が 超多忙で超生産的であると 信じていますが これは誤解です ビジネス界 ファイナンス業界 政界にも目茶苦茶な 意思決定を行う ご立派な リーダーが大勢いますからね I.Q.が高ければ 優れたリーダーであるとは限りません リーダーに求められるのは タイタニックが衝突する前に 氷山を見つけられる力です 我々は途方もない数の氷山を タイタニックにぶつけてきました

(6) もしリーマンブラザーズが リーマンブラザーズ&シスターズだったら 破綻しなくて済んだのではないか と私は思っています (拍手) ブラザーズ(男性)がみな忙しく 休みなく24時間で働き続けている中 シスター(女性)は氷山に気づいたかもしれません 7 – 8時間の睡眠から目覚めた彼女なら 物事をもっと大きな視野で 見ることが出きるからです

(7) 現在私たちは 世界中で いくつもの問題を抱えています 一人一人にとって良いこと 人生に より多くの喜び 感謝 充実をもたらし キャリアにも最善を尽くすことが 世界を良くすることでもあるのです ですから皆さんはどうか 目を閉じて 内に眠る 素晴らしいアイディアを見つけ エンジンを切って 睡眠の力を発見してください




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