Asians Now Largest Group of New US Immigrants

2012年08月01日 未分類.

Read and understand the article. If you may have any difficult words to pronounce and words you cannot understand, always ask your teacher.

*Teachers will divide the article into 2-3 paragraphs to help you understand and check the pronunciation of the difficult words.


*Read the words carefully.

  1. Reunification /riˌju:nəfəˈkeɪʃən/ (n.) the act of coming together again
  2. Stream /strēm/ (n.) a mass of people or things moving continuously in the same direction
  3. Immigration /imiˈgrāSHən/ (n.) the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country
  4. Subcontinent /ˌsebˈkäntnənt/ (n.) a large area of land that is a part of a continent
  5. Foreign Born people residing in the United States who were not citizens of the United States at birth; this includes legal and illegal immigrants, refugees, students, and temporary workers


Asians Now Largest Group of New US Immigrants

* Read the text below 

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(1) STEVE EMBER: The report is called “The Rise of Asian Americans.” Researchers found that Asians living in the United States are more likely than the general public to be satisfied with their lives and finances. They are also more likely to believe that the country is moving in the right direction.

(2) Pew researcher Cary Funk says there are many reasons why Asians move to the United States, not just for employment and education.

(3) CARY FUNK: “One of the most common reasons for immigration is for family reunification but it’s usually a mix of employment, education and family reasons.”

(4) The report calls Asian Americans the “highest-income, best-educated and fastest growing racial group in the United States.” Asian Americans increased from less than one percent of the population in nineteen sixty-five to five point eight percent today, says Cary Funk.

(5) CARY FUNK: “Part of that rise has to do with the change in our immigration policies in nineteen sixty-five. That opened the immigration stream from all parts of the world. Seventy-four percent of Asian American adults are foreign born. Japanese Americans are majority U.S. born. ”

(6) Immigrants are coming to the United States from many countries across Asia and the subcontinent. About four hundred thirty thousand Asians arrived in the U.S. in twenty-ten. They represented thirty-six percent of all new immigrants that year. That compared with about thirty-one percent from Spanish speaking countries.

(7) The Pew researchers point out that Asian immigration to the United States has increased only slightly in recent years. However, Asians have become the new face of U.S. immigration because of a sharp decrease in immigrants from Central and South America.

(8) The Pew report says fifteen percent of Asian immigrants are here illegally, lower than the rate among Hispanic immigrants. The researchers based their report on interviews with more than three thousand Asian Americans. They found that Asians in the United States place more value on marriage, parenthood, hard work and career success than other Americans. I’m Steve Ember.



*Let’s talk about the article base on the questions below

  1. Have you been to any countries before?
  2. In your country, have you seen or met foreign born people?
  3. Do you plan to live or migrate outside Japan?What are the qualities you liked in that place than in Japan?