★★★【オススメTED紹介】ラリー・スミス 「あなたに夢の仕事ができない理由」Larry Smith: Why you will fail to have a great career

2013年03月19日 ★★★, business, TED.


(You can read transcript at TED website.)






※具体的な実践方法にご興味がある方は、海外ドラマからTEDまで、生の教材を使った実践的英語勉強法 を読まれてみてください。


1. Do you have any special talents? What are they? Can you tell me about it?

2. What was your childhood dream? Were you able to pursue it?If yes, how? If no, why not?

3. What do you think is the difference between passion and interest? Explain your answer.

4. What are the possible factors why a person could fail in his career?

5. Can you think of a successful person from your own county? What do they do? How do you think they did it?


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