ラムジー・ムサラム 「学びを輝かせる3つのルール」Ramsey Musallam: 3 rules to spark learning

2013年08月30日 education, science, TED.

記事はこちら <←The article is here>のTED本サイトよりご参照頂けます。

(You can read the transcript on the TED website.)




1, Curiosity comes first
2, Embrace the mess
3, Practice reflection



※具体的な実践方法にご興味がある方は、海外ドラマからTEDまで、生の教材を使った実践的英語勉強法 を読まれてみてください。


1, What is your opinion on the Musallam’s 3 rules to spark learning?

2, What do you think of the use of technology (such as smartphones, computers, tablets) as tools for teaching?

Will this make learning easier?

3, How do you think the style of education would change in the next ten years? Elaborate your own opinion.


1, What is the meaning of the word ” freak out” in the article?

2, Can you explain the phrase “geek out” in the article?

3, What can you say about the “mumbo jumbo” in the article?


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