TED Lesson / Why Work Doesn’t Happen at Work? Lesson4 (ジェイソン・フリード:なぜ職場で仕事ができないのか)

2012年08月05日 未分類.

TED Jason Fried: Why work doesn’t happen at work


About This Talk

Jason Fried has a radical theory of working: that the office isn’t a good place to do it. At TEDxMidwest, he lays out the main problems (call them the M&Ms) and offers three suggestions to make work work.

*There is a word list below the script. The list includes blue colored words which are in the script.

*This is the fourth lesson of the Jason Fried speech. Lesson1 is here. Lesson2 is here. Lesson3 is here.


ジェイソン・フリードが、オフィスは仕事をするのに適していないという、仕事に関する抜本的な理論を語ります。TEDxMidwestでの講演で、フリードがM&M‘sとよばれる主な問題を展開し、仕事をうまくいかせる3 つの提案を提示します。


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Lesson4 Script (Video Time 12:09 ~ 15:14)

(14) We’ve all heard of the casual Friday thing. I don’t know if people still do that. But how about “no-talk Thursdays?” How about — pick one Thursday once a month and cut that day in half and just say the afternoon — I’ll make it really easy for you. So just the afternoon, one Thursday. The first Thursday of the month — just the afternoon — nobody in the office can talk to each other. Just silence, that’s it. And what you’ll find is that a tremendous amount of work actually gets done when no one talks to each other. This is when people actually get stuff done, is when no one’s bothering them, when no one’s interrupting them. And you can give someone — giving someone four hours of uninterrupted time is the best gift you can give anybody at work. It’s better than a computer. It’s better than a new monitor. It’s better than new software, or whatever people typically use. Giving them four hours of quiet time at the office is going to be incredibly valuable. And if you try that, I think you’ll find that you agree. And maybe, hopefully you can do it more often. So maybe it’s every other week, or every week, once a week, afternoons no one can talk to each other. That’s something that you’ll find will really, really work.

(15) Another thing you can try is switching from active communication and collaboration, which is like face-to-face stuff, tapping people on the shoulder, saying hi to them, having meetings, and replace that with more passive models of communication, using things like email and instant messaging, or collaboration products — things like that. Now some people might say email is really distracting and I.M. is really distracting, and these other things are really distracting, but they’re distracting at a time of your own choice and your own choosing. You can quit the email app; you can’t quit your boss. You can quit I.M.; you can’t hide your manager. You can put these things away, and then you can be interrupted on your own schedule, at your own time, when you’re available, when you’re ready to go again. Because work, like sleep, happens in phases. So you’re going to be kind of going up and doing some work, and then you’re going to come down from that work, and then maybe it’s time to check that email, or check that I.M. And there are very, very few things that are that urgent that need to happen, that need to be answered right this second. So if you’re a manager, start encouraging people to use more things like I.M. and email and other things that someone else can put away and then get back to you on their own schedule.

(16) And the last suggestion I have is that, if you do have a meeting coming up, if you have the power, just cancel. Just cancel that next meeting. Today’s Friday — so Monday, usually people have meetings on Monday. Just don’t have it. I don’t mean move it; I mean just erase it from memory, it’s gone. And you’ll find out that everything will be just fine. All these discussions and decisions you thought you had to make at this one time at 9 a.m. on Monday, just forget about them, and things will be just fine. People have a more open morning, they can actually think, and you’ll find out that maybe all these things you thought you had to do, you don’t actually have to do.

(17) So those are just three quick suggestions I wanted to give you guys to think about this. And I hope that some of these ideas were at least provocative enough for managers and bosses and business owners and organizers and people who are in charge of other people to think about laying off a little bit and giving people some more time to get some work done. And I think it’ll all pay off in the end.

So thanks for listening.


Let’s talk about the article base on the questions below.

Viewpoints or discussion

  1. Do you think “no-talk Thursday” works well? Why or why not?
  2. What kind of passive communication media does your office have? Do you use it?
  3. What do you think will happen if your company doesn’t have meetings?



(14) tremendous /trɪˈmɛndəs/ adjective, 1. very large or great 2. very good or excellent

bother /ˈbɑ:ðɚ/ verb, to interrupt or talk to (someone who is working or who wants to be alone)

incredible /ɪnˈkrɛdəbəl/ adjective, difficult or impossible to believe

valuable /ˈvæljəbəl/ adjective, very useful or helpful

(15) collaboration /kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃən/ noun, process of working with another person or group in order to achieve or do something

passive /ˈpæsɪv/ adj. 1 accepting what happens or what people do without trying to change anything or oppose them

distract /dɪˈstrækt/ verb, to cause (someone) to stop thinking about or paying attention to someone or something and to think about or pay attention to someone or something else instead

urgent /ˈɚʤənt/ adjective, very important and needing immediate attention

(16) erase /ɪˈreɪz/ verb, to remove sth completely

(17) provocative /prəˈvɑ:kətɪv/ adjective, causing discussion, thought, argument, etc.

lay ˈoff sth, (informal) to stop using sth

pay ˈoff, (informal) (of a plan or an action, especially one that involves risk) to be successful and bring good results



(14) 「カジュアルフライデー」というものをご存知ですね 今でもやっているか分かりませんが それにちなんで「サイレント・サーズデー」です 例えば 月に一度ある木曜日を選んで やりやすい様に、その日の午後だけにしましょう 月に一度の木曜日の午後だけです 月の最初の木曜日、その午後の時間は オフィスでは誰も互いに話してはいけません みんな沈黙を守ります それでどうなるかというと誰も互いに話しかけなければ なんと膨大な量の仕事が片づくということです これが人々が実際に仕事ができる状況です つまり誰もちょっかいを出したり邪魔をしない 従業員にこんな時間を 4時間与えることは 職場で与えうる最高のプレゼントです コンピューターより 新しいモニターやソフトウェアより 他に仕事で使う道具の何よりも オフィスで静かな時間を4時間提供する事は とてつもない価値を持ちます お試し頂けたら分かってもらえるでしょう そして頻度を増やして続けてみて下さい 2週間に一度 あるいは 週に一度 午後は誰も喋らない時間にします 非常に有効だと分かって頂けますよ

(15) もう一つの提案は 肩を叩いて話しかけたり、 会議を開いたりの能動的な コミュニケーションや関わりの代わりに メールやメッセンジャー その他のコラボレーションツールを使った より受動的なコミュニケーションへ 切り替えることです。 メールやチャットなんて仕事の邪魔だ そう言う人もいるでしょう こういったものは確かに邪魔ですが 自分自身のタイミングで対応できます メールのように上司はログアウトできません メッセンジャーは終了できても 上司は非表示にできません ツールはいったん退けておき 自分自身のスケジュールで物事を進め 都合のいい時に対応できます 仕事は、睡眠と同じように段階をとるもの 皆仕事モードになって作業ができ 区切りのいい所で少し休めば メールなどをチェックできるでしょう 緊急事項や、今すぐに応える必要のある 事は本当に稀です マネージャーの皆さん 従業員にメッセンジャーやメール その他のツールなど、対応するタイミングを 自分で選べるものの利用を推奨してください

(16) そして最後の提案は もし予定された会議があり あなたに権限があるなら とりあえず中止しましょう多分来週の月曜日ですね キャンセルしましょう 延期するのではなく なかった事にしましょう それでも問題ない事が分かるでしょう 来週月曜日の朝9時に 予定していた話し合いや決断は 忘れましょう。それでも全てうまくいきます 自由な朝を迎え、自分の頭を使えるでしょう そして必要だと思っていたことが 実際には必要なかったと気づくでしょう

(17) 以上がみなさんに考えて頂きたかった ちょっとした提案でした そしてこれらの提案が マネージャー、上司、事業主 主催者や責任者の方々にとって 自分の関与を少し抑えて 人々に時間を与える事について 少し考えてもらえる機会だったと願います きっと最後はうまくいきます




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