TED Lesson / Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action, Lesson2 (サイモン シネック: 優れたリーダーはどうやって行動を促すか)

2012年08月05日 未分類.

TED Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

About This Talk

Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers …

*There is a word list below the script. The list includes blue colored words which are in the script.

*This is the second lesson of the Simon Sinek speech. Lesson 1 is here.


サイモン シネックがシンプルで強力なモデルを使って周りを動かすリーダーシップについて説明します。全てはゴールデンサークルと「何のために」という質問から始ま ります。成功例として、アップルやマーチン・ルーサー・キング、ライト兄弟を取り上げ、失敗例として (最近の勝訴で株価が3倍になったものの) 苦難の続く TiVo を取り上げます。


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Lesson2 Script(Video Time 05:53 ~ 10:54)

We divided the speech into the 4 lessons. This is the second lesson of the Simon Sinek speech.

(7) None of what I’m telling you is my opinion. It’s all grounded in the tenets of biology. Not psychology, biology. If you look at a cross-section of the human brain, looking from the top down, what you see is the human brain is actually broken into three major components that correlate perfectly with the golden circle. Our newest brain, our Homo sapien brain, our neocortex, corresponds with the “what” level. The neocortex is responsible for all of our rational and analytical thought and language. The middle two sections make up our limbic brains, and our limbic brains are responsible for all of our feelings, like trust and loyalty. It’s also responsible for all human behavior, all decision-making, and it has no capacity for language.

(8) In other words, when we communicate from the outside in, yes, people can understand vast amounts of complicated information like features and benefits and facts and figures. It just doesn’t drive behavior. When we can communicate from the inside out, we’re talking directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior, and then we allow people to rationalize it with the tangible things we say and do. This is where gut decisions come from. You know, sometimes you can give somebody all the facts and figures, and they say, “I know what all the facts and details say, but it just doesn’t feel right.” Why would we use that verb, it doesn’t “feel” right? Because the part of the brain that controls decision-making doesn’t control language. And the best we can muster up is, “I don’t know. It just doesn’t feel right.” Or sometimes you say you’re leading with your heart, or you’re leading with your soul. Well, I hate to break it to you, those aren’t other body parts controlling your behavior. It’s all happening here in your limbic brain, the part of the brain that controls decision-making and not language.

(9) But if you don’t know why you do what you do, and people respond to why you do what you do, then how will you ever get people to vote for you, or buy something from you, or, more importantly, be loyal and want to be a part of what it is that you do. Again, the goal is not just to sell to people who need what you have; the goal is to sell to people who believe what you believe. The goal is not just to hire people who need a job; it’s to hire people who believe what you believe. I always say that, you know, if you hire people just because they can do a job, they’ll work for your money, but if you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work for you with blood and sweat and tears. And nowhere else is there a better example of this than with the Wright brothers.

(10) Most people don’t know about Samuel Pierpont Langley. And back in the early 20th century, the pursuit of powered man flight was like the dot com of the day. Everybody was trying it. And Samuel Pierpont Langley had, what we assume, to be the recipe for success. I mean, even now, you ask people, “Why did your product or why did your company fail?” and people always give you the same permutation of the same three things: under-capitalized, the wrong people, bad market conditions. It’s always the same three things, so let’s explore that. Samuel Pierpont Langley was given 50,000 dollars by the War Department to figure out this flying machine. Money was no problem. He held a seat at Harvard and worked at the Smithsonian and was extremely well-connected; he knew all the big minds of the day. He hired the best minds money could find and the market conditions were fantastic. The New York Times followed him around everywhere, and everyone was rooting for Langley. Then how come we’ve never heard of Samuel Pierpont Langley?

(11) A few hundred miles away in Dayton Ohio, Orville and Wilbur Wright, they had none of what we consider to be the recipe for success. They had no money; they paid for their dream with the proceeds from their bicycle shop; not a single person on the Wright brothers’ team had a college education, not even Orville or Wilbur; and The New York Times followed them around nowhere. The difference was, Orville and Wilbur were driven by a cause, by a purpose, by a belief. They believed that if they could figure out this flying machine, it’ll change the course of the world. Samuel Pierpont Langley was different. He wanted to be rich, and he wanted to be famous. He was in pursuit of the result. He was in pursuit of the riches. And lo and behold, look what happened. The people who believed in the Wright brothers’ dream worked with them with blood and sweat and tears. The others just worked for the paycheck. And they tell stories of how every time the Wright brothers went out, they would have to take five sets of parts, because that’s how many times they would crash before they came in for supper.

(12) And, eventually, on December 17th, 1903, the Wright brothers took flight, and no one was there to even experience it. We found out about it a few days later. And further proof that Langley was motivated by the wrong thing: The day the Wright brothers took flight, he quit. He could have said, “That’s an amazing discovery, guys, and I will improve upon your technology,” but he didn’t. He wasn’t first, he didn’t get rich, he didn’t get famous so he quit.

to be continued to the lesson3Here is the lesson3’s text.


Let’s talk about the article base on the questions below.

Viewpoints or discussion

  1. How do you usually make your decisions? Do you decide with your brain, or with your instincts?
  2. Which people would you like to work with, the ones who stick up with you, or the ones who stay for the paycheck?
  3. Is there a difference between working for what you believe in and working for the money? Why do you think so?



(7) ground /graʊnd/ verb , To provide a basis for (a theory, for example); justify.

tenet /ˈtenɪt/ noun (formal) one of the principles or beliefs that a theory or larger set of beliefs is based on:

cross section noun 1 [C, U] what you see when you cut through the middle of sth so that you can see the different layers it is made of; a drawing of this view:

component /kəmˈpəʊnənt/ noun one of several parts of which sth is made:

correlate /ˈkɒrəleɪt/ verb 1 [V] if two or more facts, figures, etc. correlate or if a fact, figure, etc. correlates with another, the facts are closely connected and affect or depend on each other:

Homo sapiens /ˌhɒməʊ ˈsæpienz;/ noun [U] (from Latin, technical) the kind or SPECIES of human that exists now

neocortex /ˌniːəʊˈkᴐːteks;/ noun (anatomy) part of the brain that controls sight and hearing

limbic system /ˈlɪmbɪk sɪstəm/ noun (biology) a system of nerves in the brain involving several different areas, concerned with basic emotions such as fear and anger and basic needs such as the need to eat and to have sex

(8) drive /draɪv/ verb ‣MAKE SB DO STH 5 [VN] to force sb to act in a particular way: ‣CAUSE STH TO MAKE PROGRESS 8 [VN] to influence sth or cause it to make progress:

rationalize /ˈræʃnəlaɪz/ verb 1 to find or try to find a logical reason to explain why sb thinks, behaves, etc. in a way that is difficult to understand:

tangible /ˈtændʒəbl/ adj 1 [usually before noun] that can be clearly seen to exist:

gut /gʌt/ noun, 1 [C] the tube in the body through which food passes when it leaves the stomach 6 guts [pl.] the most important part of sth:

muster /ˈmʌstə(r)/ verb 1 [VN] ~ sth (up), to find as much support, courage, etc. as you can

hate /heɪt/ verb 3 [no passive] [V to inf] used when saying sth that you would prefer not to have to say, or when politely asking to do sth: EX) ◇I hate to say it, but I don’t think their marriage will last.

break /breɪk/ verb ‣OF NEWS 16 [VN] ~ it/the news to sb to be the first to tell sb some bad news:

(9) sweat /swet/ noun ‣LIQUID ON SKIN 1 [U] drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you are hot, ill/sick or afraid

(10) pursuit /pəˈsjuːt/ noun 1 [U] ~ of sth the act of looking for or trying to find sth:

dot―com (also dot・com) /ˌdɒt ˈkɒm/ noun a company that sells goods and services on the Internet, especially one whose address ends ‘.com’:

permutation /ˌpᴈːmjuˈteɪʃn/ noun [usually pl.] any of the different ways in which a set of things can be ordered:

capitalize (BrE also ―ise) /ˈkæpɪtəlaɪz/ verb [VN] 3 [usually passive] (business) to provide a company etc. with the money it needs to function

explore /ɪkˈsplᴐː(r)/ verb 2 [VN] to examine sth completely or carefully in order to find out more about it

mind /maɪnd/ noun, verb‣INTELLIGENT PERSON 3 [C] a person who is very intelligent:

fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ adj. 1 (informal) extremely good; excellent

root for sb [no passive] (usually used in the progressive tenses) (informal) to support or encourage sb in a sports competition or when they are in a difficult situation:

how ˈcome? (informal) used to ask the reason for sth: ◇‘I think you owe me some money.’ ‘How come?’

(11) proceeds /ˈprəʊsiːdz;/ noun [pl.] ~ (of/from sth) the money that you receive when you sell sth or organize a performance, etc.; profits:

lo and beˈhold (humorous) used for calling attention to a surprising or annoying thing

supper /ˈsʌpə(r)/ noun [U, C] the last meal of the day, either a main meal, usually smaller and less formal than dinner, or a SNACK eaten before you go to bed:


(7) 私がお話していることは私の意見ではなく 全ては生物学の原理に基づいていることです 心理学ではなく生物学です ヒトの脳の断面を上から見ると 脳は3つの主要な部位に 分かれているのがわかります それはゴールデンサークルと対応しています 一番新しい ホモ サピエンスの脳は 大脳新皮質であり 「何を」のレベルに対応します 新皮質は合理的 分析的な思考と 言語とを 司ります 内側の二つは大脳辺縁系に対応し これは感情、信頼、忠誠心などを 司ります またヒトの行動を司り 全ての意思決定を行いますが 言語能力はありません

(8) 言い換えれば 外から中へのコミュニケーションを行っているとき 確かに大量の複雑な情報を理解できます 機能やメリットや事実や数値などです しかし行動につながりません 中から外へのコミュニケーションを行っているときには 行動を制御する 脳の部分と直接コミュニケーションすることが出来ます 言葉や行為によって 理由付けは後からすることができます 直感的な決定はここから生まれます 時には誰かに あらゆる事実やデータを伝えても 「細かい事実は分かったけど どうも納得感が得られない」と言われることがあります どうしてここで「感」なんでしょうか 理由は脳の意思決定をする部位は 言葉を扱えないからです せいぜい「分からないけど納得 “感” がない」という言葉なのです 時には胸の内一つとか 魂の導きに従ってとも言いますが でも別に頭以外の部分で 意志決定するわけではありません すべては大脳辺縁系で起きています 辺縁系は意思決定を司り 言語は担当しません

(9) 人々は 「なぜやっているのか」に反応するのに なぜやっているのか 自分でわかっていなければ 投票してもらうにせよ 何か買ってもらうにせよ みんなを引き付けられるわけがない さらには あなたがしていることに忠誠心を持って 加わりたいなどと 思わせられるわけがない 自分の商品を必要とする人に売るのではなく 自分が信じるものを信じてくれる人に売ることを目指すべきです 単に仕事を求めている人を 雇うのではなく 自分の信念を信じてくれる人を雇うことを目指すべきです 私がいつも言っていることですが 仕事ができるというだけの理由で採用した人は お金のために働くでしょう しかしあなたの信念を信じてくれる人を雇えば その人は血と汗と涙を流して働くのです このことを示す例としてライト兄弟ほど ふさわしいものは 他にありません

(10) サミュエル ピエールポント ラングレーについては知らない方が多いでしょう 20世紀の初頭には 有人動力飛行の追求は 今日のドットコムのようなもので 誰もが試みていました そしてサミュエルは成功のレシピと言えるものを 備えていたのです 誰かに聞いたとしましょう 「製品や会社が失敗した理由は何ですか?」 返ってくる答えはいつも 同じ3つの項目です 資金不足 人材不足 市場環境の悪化 いつもこの3点です 詳しく見てみましょう サミュエル ピエールポント ラングレーは 5万ドルの資金を陸軍省から与えられ 飛行機械を開発していました 資金は問題無し ハーバード大に在籍し スミソニアン博物館で働いていた彼は 人脈豊富です 当時の頭脳たちと通じていました 金にものを言わせて最高の 人材を集めました 市場の環境は絶好 ニューヨークタイムズは彼を追い掛け回し みんなラングレーを応援していました ではどうして皆さんはサミュエル ラングレーのことを聞いたことが無いのでしょうか

(11) そこから数百マイル離れたオハイオ州デイトンにいた ライト兄弟のオーヴィルとウィルバーは 成功のレシピとは まるで無縁でした お金がなく 夢に挑む資金は自分たちの自転車店から持ち出しで ライト兄弟のチームの誰ひとりとして 大学を出てはいませんでした オーヴィルとウィルバーも違いました そしてニューヨークタイムズに追いかけ回されたりもしません 違っていたことは オーヴィルとウィルバーが大義と 理想と信念に動かされていたということです 彼らはもしこの飛行機械を 作り上げることができたら それは世界を変えることになると信じていました サミュエル ラングレーは違っていました 彼が求めていたのは富と名声です それによって得られるものが目的であり 富を追求していたのです そして どうなったのでしょうか ライト兄弟の夢を信じた人々は 血と汗と涙を流して共に働きました もう一方のチームはただ給与のために働きます ライト兄弟は外へテストに出かけるたびに 部品は5セットずつ持って行ったと言います 夕食に帰るまでには 5回ぐらい 壊れるようなものだったからです

(12) そしてついに 1903 年の12月17日のこと ライト兄弟は初飛行に成功 それをその場で目撃した者もいませんでした そのことが広く伝えられたのは数日経った後です そしてラングレーの動機が適切でなかった ことを示すさらなる証拠には ライト兄弟が飛行した日に 彼は諦めたのです 彼はこうも言えたはずでした 「連中はよくやった 我々の手でもっと改良してやろうじゃないか」 でもそうはせず 一番になれず 金持ちになれず 有名にもなれなかったので 彼は諦めました

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