TED Lesson / Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world, Lesson4 (ジェーン・マゴニガル 「ゲームで築くより良い世界」)

2012年08月05日 未分類.

TED Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world

About This Talk

Games like World of Warcraft give players the means to save worlds, and incentive to learn the habits of heroes. What if we could harness this gamer power to solve real-world problems? Jane McGonigal says we can, and explains how.

*There is a word list below the script. The list includes blue colored words which are in the script.

*This is the second lesson of the Jane McGonigal speech. Lesson1 is here. Lesson2 is here. Lesson3 is here.


World of Warcraftのようなゲームはプレーヤーに世界を救う手段を与え、ヒーローの行動様式を身につけるよう動機づけます。もしこのゲーマーの力を、現実の世界の問題を解決するために使えたとしたらどうでしょう? ジェーン・マゴニガルはそれは可能だと言い、その方法を説明しています。


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Lesson4 Script (Video Time 12:15~ 15:01)

(21) So, I take my inspiration from something that happened 2,500 years ago. These are ancient dice, made out of sheep’s knuckles. Right? Before we had awesome game controllers, we had sheep’s knuckles. And these represent the first game equipment designed by human beings. And if you’re familiar with the work of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, you might know this history, which is the history of who invented games and why. Herodotus says that games, particularly dice games, were invented in the kingdom of Lydia during a time of famine.

(22) Apparently, there was such a severe famine that the king of Lydia decided that they had to do something crazy. People were suffering. People were fighting. It was an extreme situation, they needed an extreme solution. So, according to Herodotus, they invented dice games and they set up a kingdom-wide policy: On one day, everybody would eat, and on the next day, everybody would play games. And they would be so immersed in playing the dice games because games are so engaging, and immerse us in such satisfying blissful productivity, they would ignore the fact that they had no food to eat. And then on the next day, they would play games; and on the next day, they would eat.

(23) And according to Herodotus, they passed 18 years this way, surviving through a famine by eating on one day and playing games on the next. Now, this is exactly, I think, how we’re using games today. We’re using games to escape real-world suffering. We’re using games to get away from everything that’s broken in the real environment, everything that’s not satisfying about real life, and we’re getting what we need from games.

(24) But it doesn’t have to end there. This is really exciting. According to Herodotus, after 18 years the famine wasn’t getting better, so the king decided they would play one final dice game. They divided the entire kingdom in half. They played one dice game, and the winners of that game got to go on an epic adventure. They would leave Lydia, and they would go out in search of a new place to live, leaving behind just enough people to survive on the resources that were available, and hopefully to take their civilization somewhere else where they could thrive.

(25) Now, this sounds crazy, right? But recently, DNA evidence has shown that the Etruscans, who then led to the Roman Empire, actually share the same DNA as the ancient Lydians. And so, recently, scientists have suggested that Herodotus’ crazy story is actually true. And geologists have found evidence of a global cooling that lasted for nearly 20 years that could have explained the famine. So, this crazy story might be true. They might have actually saved their culture by playing games, escaping to games for 18 years, and then been so inspired, and knew so much about how to come together with games, that they actually saved the entire civilization that way.

(26) Okay, we can do that. We’ve been playing Warcraft since 1994. That was the first real-time strategy game from the World of Warcraft series. That was 16 years ago. They played dice games for 18 years, we’ve been playing Warcraft for 16 years. I say we are ready for our own epic game. Now, they had half the civilization go off in search of a new world, so that’s where I get my 21 billion hours a week of game-play from. Let’s get half of us to agree to spend an hour a day playing games, until we solve real-world problems.

to be continued to the lesson5. The lesson5’s text is here.


Let’s talk about the article base on the questions below.

Viewpoints or discussion

  1. Do you have a special story that is related to a game? Like making friends while playing a game, creating strong bonds, and so on.
  2. Why do you think could old Lydians achieve their epic win? Explain their background in your own words.
  3. Do you believe that just by playing a game, we can solve-real world problems? Explain your answer.



(21) inspiration /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn/ noun 1 [U] ~ (to do sth)| ~ (for sth) the process that takes place when sb sees or hears sth that causes them to have exciting new ideas or makes them want to create sth, especially in art, music or literature:

dice /daɪs/ noun (pl. dice) 1 (also die especially in NAmE) [C] a small CUBE of wood, plastic, etc., with a different number of spots on each of its sides, used in games of chance:

knuckle /ˈnʌkl/ noun 1 [C] any of the joints in the fingers, especially those connecting the fingers to the rest of the hand

historian /hɪˈstᴐːriən/ noun a person who studies or writes about history; an expert in history

famine /ˈfæmɪn/ noun [C, U] a lack of food during a long period of time in a region:

(22) extreme /ɪkˈstriːm/ adj.1 [usually before noun] very great in degree:

set up, 3 to arrange for sth to happen: 4 to create sth or start it:

policy /ˈpɒləsi / noun (pl. ―ies) 1 [C, U] ~ (on sth) a plan of action agreed or chosen by a political party, a business, etc.

immerse /ɪˈmᴈːs;/ verb [VN] 1 ~ sb/sth (in sth) to put sb/sth into a liquid so that they or it are completely covered 2 ~ yourself/sb in sth to become or make sb completely involved in sth:

engage /ɪnˈgeɪdʒ/ verb 1 [VN] (formal) to succeed in attracting and keeping sb’s attention and interest:

(23) get away, to escape (from).

(24) got to, have to

thrive /Ѳraɪv/ verb [V] to become, and continue to be, successful, strong, healthy, etc.

geologist /dʒiˈɒlədʒɪst;/ noun, a scientist who studies geology

come together, if two or more different people or things come together, they form a united group:

go off, 1 to leave a place, especially in order to do sth:


(21) 私は2,500年前に起こったある出来事から インスピレーションを得ました これは古代のダイスで ヒツジの足の関節から作られました かっこいいゲームコントローラーができる前は ヒツジの骨を使っていたんです そしてこれは人類がデザインした 最初のゲームの道具です ヘロドトスの本に馴染みのある方は この話をご存じかもしれません 誰が何のためにゲームを 発明したのかという話です ダイスゲームはリディア王国で 飢饉の時期に発明されたと ヘロドトスは 書いています

(22) 非常に深刻な飢饉があり リディア王は何か度を外れたことをする必要があると考えました 人々は苦しみ 争っています 極限状況です 極端な解決策が求められていました それで ヘロドトスによると 彼らはダイスゲームを発明し 王国全土で ある政策を実施しました 一日目には皆食事をする その翌日には皆ゲームをする 皆すっかりダイスゲームにはまりました あまりに引き込まれるものだったので 満足を与えてくれる生産的な至福の中で 食べるものがないということさえ忘れてしまったのです 次の日にはゲームをし その次の日には食べる

(23) ヘロドトスによれば 彼らはそのようにして18年間 飢饉の中を生き抜いたということです 1日は食べ 1日はゲームをするという具合にして これはまさに今日私たちが ゲームをするあり方と同じです 私たちは現実の苦難を忘れるためにゲームを使っています ゲームを使って 世の中のおかしなことや 現実の生活の不満なものすべてから逃れ 求めるものをゲームから得ているのです

(24) しかし話はそれで終わりません すごく面白いのですが ヘロドトスによれば 18年の飢饉の後も 事態は良くなりませんでした それで王は最後のダイスゲームをすることに決めました 王国全体を2つに分け ダイスゲームで勝負をし そのゲームの勝者は 壮大な冒険を賞品として手に入れます リディアを出て 新しい生きる場所を探しに行くのです 後にはわずかな食料で 食べていけるだけの人が残されます そうやって文明をどこか別な場所で 生き長らえさせようとしたのです

(25) クレージーな話だとお思いになるでしょう でも最近 古代リディア人が ローマ帝国の礎を築いた エトルリア人と 同じDNAを持つことが 明らかになったのです ヘロドトスのクレージーな物語が真実であることを 科学者達が示したのです それに飢饉の原因になった 20年にわたる地球寒冷化の証拠も 地質学者により発見されました このクレージーな話は本当だったのかも 彼らはゲームをして 実際に文明を救ったのかもしれません 18年間ゲームの中に逃れ それにより刺激を与えられ ゲームから力を合わせることをも学び そうやって文明全体を実際に救ったのです

(26) 私たちにだって同じことができます 私たちはWarcraftを1994年以来やっています World of Warcraftシリーズの 最初のリアルタイム戦略ゲームです 彼らは18年間ダイスゲームをしましたが 私たちも16年間Warcraftをやっているのです 私たち自身 壮大なゲームをする準備ができていると思います 彼らは文明の半分を 新世界の探索に送り出しました 週210億時間のゲームというのは ここから来ています 現実の世界の問題が解決するまで 私たちの半分が一日一時間を ゲームに費やすことにするのです

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