エイミー・カディ 「ボディランゲージが人を作る」/Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are

2013年09月09日 education, science, TED.

記事はこちら <←The article is here>のTED本サイトよりご参照頂けます。

(You can read the transcript on the TED website.)






“I’m not supposed to be here (私はここにいるべきではない)”、自分と同じように劣等感に苦しむ学生に出会ったシーンで彼女が思わず涙ぐむ場面から、彼女が本当に苦しみ、それを乗り越えてきたことが伺えます。(18分30秒からの1分間は、何度見ても心が震えます)


※具体的な実践方法にご興味がある方は、海外ドラマからTEDまで、生の教材を使った実践的英語勉強法 を読まれてみてください。


1, How does body language affects the communication?

2, In your own opinion, why does nonverbal communication matter?

3, How do power poses change the testosterone level and cortisol level in our mind?

4, How does our body language affect our success?

5, How does your posture actually affect you?

6, Do you feel an increase/decrease of power after two minutes of these postures?

When do you feel you’re being evaluated the most? What kind of situations cause you to curl up?


1, Say something about this phrase: Don’t fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it

2, Share your ideas as many as you can in this phrase: our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes

3, Tell what you know about gender age gap

4, In your own idea, what do mean by this: tiny tweaks can lead to big changes?


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