★★★TED Lesson / Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation, Lesson3 (ダニエル・ピンク 「やる気に関する驚きの科学」)

2012年08月05日 ★★★, business, science, TED.

TED Dan Pink : on the surprising science of motivation


About This Talk

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t: Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories — and maybe, a way forward.

*There is a word list below the script. The list includes blue colored words which are in the script.

*This is the third lesson of the Jason Fried speech. Lesson1 is here. Lesson2 is here.




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Lesson3 Script (Video Time 08:32 ~ 13:02)

(15) Now, I mean it makes me crazy. And this is not — here’s the thing. This is not a feeling. Okay? I’m a lawyer; I don’t believe in feelings. This is not a philosophy. I’m an American; I don’t believe in philosophy. (Laughter) This is a fact — or, as we say in my hometown of Washington, D.C., a true fact. (Laughter) (Applause) Let me give you an example of what I mean. Let me marshal the evidence here, because I’m not telling you a story, I’m making a case.

(16) Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, some evidence: Dan Ariely, one of the great economists of our time, he and three colleagues, did a study of some MIT students. They gave these MIT students a bunch of games, games that involved creativity, and motor skills, and concentration. And the offered them, for performance, three levels of rewards: small reward, medium reward, large reward. Okay? If you do really well you get the large reward, on down. What happened? As long as the task involved only mechanical skill bonuses worked as they would be expected: the higher the pay, the better the performance. Okay? But one the task called for even rudimentary cognitive skill, a larger reward led to poorer performance.

(17) Then they said, “Okay let’s see if there’s any cultural bias here. Let’s go to Madurai, India and test this.” Standard of living is lower. In Madurai, a reward that is modest in North American standards, is more meaningful there. Same deal. A bunch of games, three levels of rewards. What happens? People offered the medium level of rewards did no better than people offered the small rewards. But this time, people offered the highest rewards, they did the worst of all. In eight of the nine tasks we examined across three experiments, higher incentives led to worse performance.

(18) Is this some kind of touchy-feely socialist conspiracy going on here? No. These are economists from MIT, from Carnegie Mellon, from the University of Chicago. And do you know who sponsored this research? The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. That’s the American experience.

(19) Let’s go across the pond to the London School of Economics — LSE, London School of Economics, alma mater of 11 Nobel Laureates in economics. Training ground for great economic thinkers like George Soros, and Friedrich Hayek, and Mick Jagger. (Laughter)Last month, just last month, economists at LSE looked at 51 studies of pay-for-performance plans, inside of companies. Here’s what the economists there said: “We find that financial incentives can result in a negative impact on overall performance.”

(20) There is a mismatch between what science knows and what business does. And what worries me, as we stand here in the rubble of the economic collapse, is that too many organizations are making their decisions, their policies about talent and people, based on assumptions that are outdated, unexamined, and rooted more in folklore than in science. And if we really want to get out of this economic mess, and if we really want high performance on those definitional tasks of the 21st century, the solution is not to do more of the wrong things, to entice people with a sweeter carrot, or threaten them with a sharper stick. We need a whole new approach.

(21) And the good news about all of this is that the scientists who’ve been studying motivation have given us this new approach. It’s an approach built much more around intrinsic motivation. Around the desire to do things because they matter, because we like it, because they’re interesting, because they are part of something important. And to my mind, that new operating system for our businesses revolves around three elements: autonomy, mastery and purpose. Autonomy: the urge to direct our own lives. Mastery: the desire to get better and better at something that matters. Purpose: the yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves. These are the building blocks of an entirely new operating system for our businesses.

To be continued to Lesson4.


Let’s talk about the article base on the questions below.

Viewpoints or discussion

  1. Is your company offering the 20th century way of rewarding? Why do you think higher incentives led to worse performance?
  2.  What do you think is a good approach for your company to undertake for employees to perform well?
  3.  Which factor do you want to work on first – Autonomy, Mastery, or Purpose? Why?



(15) philosophy /fəˈlɑ:səfi/ noun, the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc.

marshall the evidence idiom, to present facts or evidence

(16) jury /ˈʤɚri/ noun, a group of people who decide the winners in a contest

motor skills term, a learned sequence of movements that combine to produce a smooth, efficient action in order to master a particular task

concentration /ˌkɑ:nsənˈtreɪʃən/ noun, the ability to give your attention or thought to a single object or activity : the ability to concentrate

rudimentary /ˌru:dəˈmɛntəri/ adjective, basic or simple

cognitive /ˈkɑ:gnətɪv/ adjective, of, relating to, or involving conscious mental activities (such as thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering)

(17) bias /ˈbajəs/ noun, a tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly

standard /ˈstændɚd/ noun, something that is very good and that is used to make judgments about the quality of other things

(18) touchy /ˈtʌtʃi/ adj. (touch・ier, touchi・est) 1 [not usually before noun] ~ (about sth) (of a person) easily upset or offended

socialist /ˈsoʊʃəlɪst/ noun, a person who believes in socialism

conspiracy /kənˈspirəsi/ noun, a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal

(19) alma mater, Latin, the school or university which you went to

laureate /ˈlɒriət/ noun 1 a person who has been given an official honour or prize for sth important they have achieved

overall /ˌoʊvɚˈɑ:l/ adverb, 1. with everyone or everything included 2. as a whole; in general

(20) rubble /ˈrʌbəl/ noun, broken pieces of stone, brick, etc., from walls or buildings that have fallen

collapse /kəˈlæps/ noun ‣FAILURE 1 [C, usually sing., U] a sudden failure of sth, such as an institution, a business or a course of action:

outdate /ˌaʊtəvˈdeɪt/ adjective, no longer useful or acceptable : not modern or current

folklore /ˈfoʊkˌloɚ/ noun, 1. traditional customs, beliefs, stories, and sayings 2. ideas or stories that are not true but that many people have heard or read

mess /mes/ noun ‣UNTIDY STATE 1 [C, usually sing.] a dirty or untidy state

entice /ɪnˈtaɪs/ verb, to persuade sb/sth to go somewhere or to do sth, usually by offering them sth

(21) revolve /rɪˈvɒlv / verb [I] to go in a circle around a central point:

autonomy /ɑˈtɑ:nəmi/ noun, the state of existing or acting separately from others

mastery /ˈmæstəri, ˈmɑ:stəri/ noun, knowledge and skill that allows you to do, use, or understand something very well

urge /ᴈːdʒ/ noun, a strong desire to do sth:

yearn /ˈjɚn/ verb, o feel a strong desire or wish for something or to do something

building block noun, a basic element or part of something



(15) これには頭がおかしくなりそうです どういうことかというと これは感情ではありません 私は法律家です 感情なんて信じません これは哲学でもありません 私はアメリカ人です 哲学なんて信じません (笑) これは事実なのです 私が住んでいるワシントンDCでよく使われる言い方をすると 真実の事実です (笑) (拍手) 例を使って説明しましょう 証拠の品を提示します 私はストーリーを語っているのではありません 立証しているのです

(16) 陪審員の皆さん 証拠を提示します ダン アリエリーは現代における最高の経済学者の1人です 彼は3人の仲間とともに MITの学生を対象に実験を行いました 学生たちにたくさんのゲームを与えます クリエイティビティや 運動能力や 集中力が要求されるようなゲームです そして成績に対する報酬を 3種類用意しました 小さな報酬 中くらいの報酬 大きな報酬です 非常にいい成績なら全額 いい成績なら半分の報酬がもらえます どうなったのでしょう? 「タスクが機械的にできるものである限りは 報酬は期待通りに機能し 報酬が大きいほど パフォーマンスが良くなった しかし認知能力が多少とも 要求されるタスクになると より大きな報酬は より低い成績をもたらした」

(17) それで彼らはこう考えました 「文化的なバイアスがあるのかもしれない インドのマドゥライで試してみよう」 生活水準が低いので 北アメリカではたいしたことのない報酬が マドゥライでは大きな意味を持ちます 実験の条件は同じです たくさんのゲームと 3レベルの報酬 どうなったのでしょう? 中くらいの報酬を提示された人たちは 小さな報酬の人たちと成績が変わりませんでした しかし今回は 最大の報酬を提示された人たちの成績が 最低になったのです 「3回の実験を通して 9つのタスクのうちの8つで より高いインセンティブがより低い成績という結果となった」

(18) これはおなじみの 感覚的な 社会主義者の陰謀なのでしょうか? いいえ 彼らはMITに カーネギーメロンに シカゴ大学の経済学者です そしてこの研究に資金を出したのはどこでしょう? 合衆国連邦準備銀行です これはまさにアメリカの経験なのです

(19) 海の向こう ロンドン スクール オブ エコノミクス (LSE) に 行ってみましょう 11人のノーベル経済学賞受賞者を輩出しています 偉大な経済の頭脳がここで学んでいます ジョージ ソロス、フリードリヒ ハイエク、 ミック ジャガー (笑) 先月 ほんの先月のこと LSEの経済学者が 企業内における 成果主義を導入した工場 51の事例を調べました 彼らの結論は 「金銭的なインセンティブは… 全体的なパフォーマンスに対しマイナスの影響を持ちうる」ということでした

(20) 科学が見出したことと ビジネスで行われていることの間には 食い違いがあるのです この潰れた経済の瓦礫の中に立って 私が心配するのは あまりに多くの組織が その決断や 人や才能に関するポリシーを 時代遅れで検証されていない前提に基づいて行っている 科学よりは神話に基づいて行っているということです この経済の窮地から抜けだそうと思うなら 21世紀的な答えのないタスクで高いパフォーマンスを出そうと思うのなら 間違ったことを これ以上続けるのはやめるべきです 人をより甘いアメで誘惑したり より鋭いムチで脅すのはやめることです まったく新しいアプローチが必要なのです

(21) いいニュースは 科学者たちが 新しいアプローチを示してくれているということです 内的な動機付けに基づくアプローチです 重要だからやる 好きだからやる 面白いからやる 何か重要なことの一部を担っているからやる ビジネスのための新しい運営システムは 3つの要素を軸にして回ります 自主性 成長 目的 自主性は 自分の人生の方向は自分で決めたいという欲求です 成長は 何か大切なことについて上達したいということです 目的は 私たち自身よりも大きな何かのために やりたいという切望です これらが私たちのビジネスの全く新しい 運営システムの要素なのです


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