★★★TED Lesson / Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation, Lesson5 (ダニエル・ピンク 「やる気に関する驚きの科学」)

2012年08月05日 ★★★, business, science, TED.

TED Dan Pink : on the surprising science of motivation


About This Talk

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t: Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories — and maybe, a way forward.

*There is a word list below the script. The list includes blue colored words which are in the script.

*This is the fourth lesson of the Jason Fried speech. Lesson1 is here. Lesson2 is here. Lesson3 is here. Lesson4 is here.




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Lesson5 Script (Video Time 15:18 ~ )

(29) The mid-1990s, Microsoft started an encyclopedia called Encarta. They had deployed all the right incentives, all the right incentives. They paid professionals to write and edit thousands of articles. Well-compensated managers oversaw the whole thing to make sure it came in on budget and on time. A few years later another encyclopedia got started. Different model, right? Do it for fun. No one gets paid a cent, or a Euro or a Yen. Do it because you like to do it.

(30) Now if you had, just 10 years ago, if you had gone to an economist, anywhere, and said, “Hey, I’ve got these two different models for creating an encyclopedia. If they went head to head, who would win?” 10 years ago you could not have found a single sober economist anywhere on planet Earth who would have predicted the Wikipedia model.

(31) This is the titanic battle between these two approaches. This is the Ali-Frazier of motivation. Right? This is the Thrilla’ in Manila. Alright? Intrinsic motivators versus extrinsic motivators. Autonomy, mastery and purpose, versus carrot and sticks. And who wins? Intrinsic motivation, autonomy, mastery and purpose, in a knockout. Let me wrap up.

(32) There is a mismatch between what science knows and what business does. And here is what science knows. One: Those 20th century rewards, those motivators we think are a natural part of business, do work, but only in a surprisingly narrow band of circumstances. Two: Those if-then rewards often destroy creativity. Three: The secret to high performance isn’t rewards and punishments, but that unseen intrinsic drive — the drive to do things for their own sake. The drive to do things cause they matter.

(33) And here’s the best part. Here’s the best part. We already know this. The science confirms what we know in our hearts. So, if we repair this mismatch between what science knows and what business does, if we bring our motivation, notions of motivation into the 21st century, if we get past this lazy, dangerous, ideology of carrots and sticks, we can strengthen our businesses, we can solve a lot of those candle problems, and maybe, maybe, maybe we can change the world. I rest my case. (Applause)


Let’s talk about the article base on the questions below.

Viewpoints or discussion

  1. Do you know any free service like Wikipedia? Who are making it?
  2. What motivates you to work? What motivates you to study English?
  3. How can you correct what science knows and business does in your company?



(29) encyclopedia /ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdiə/ noun, a book or set of books giving information about all areas of knowledge or about different areas of one particular subject, usually arranged in alphabetical order; a similar collection of information on a website or CD―ROM:

deploy /dɪˈploɪ/ verb, to organize and send out (people or things) to be used for a particular purpose

well-compensated adjective, receiving or involving good renumeration

oversee /ˌəʊvəˈsiː/ verb, ~ sb/sth, to watch sb/sth and make sure that a job or an activity is done correctly

(30) head―to―ˈhead, adj. [only before noun] in which two people or groups face each other directly in order to decide the result of a disagreement or competition:

sober /ˈsoʊbɚ/ adjective, having or showing a very serious attitude or quality

(31) knockout /ˈnɒkaʊt/ noun, (abbr. KO) (in boxing) a blow that makes an opponent fall to the ground and be unable to get up, so that he or she loses the fight

wrap sth↔ˈup, (informal) to complete sth such as an agreement or a meeting in an acceptable way:

(32) narrowband /ˈnærəʊbænd / noun [U] (technical) signals that use a narrow range of FREQUENCIES ⇨ compare BROADBAND

(33) ideology /ˌaɪdiˈɑ:ləʤi/ noun, the set of ideas and beliefs of a group or political party

strengthen /ˈstrɛŋkθən/ verb, o make (someone or something) stronger, more forceful, more effective, etc.



(29) 1990年代半ば Microsoft Encartaという百科事典を作り始めました 適切なインセンティブを設定しました 何千というプロにお金を払って 記事を書いてもらいました たっぷり報酬をもらっているマネージャが全体を監督し 予算と納期の中で出来上がるようにしました 何年か後に別な百科事典が開始されました 別なモデルを採っていました 楽しみでやる 1セント、1ユーロ、1円たりとも支払われません みんな好きだからやるのです

(30) ほんの10年前に 経済学者のところへ行ってこう聞いたとします 「ねえ百科事典を作る2つのモデルを考えたんだけど 対決したらどっちが勝つと思います? 10年前この地球上のまともな経済学者で Wikipediaのモデルが勝つという人は 1人もいなかったでしょう

(31) これは 2つのアプローチの大きな対決なのです モチベーションにおけるアリ vs フレージャー戦です 伝説のマニラ決戦です 内的な動機付け vs 外的な動機付け 自主性成長目的 vs アメとムチそしてどちらが勝つのでしょう? 内的な動機付け自主性成長目的が ノックアウト勝利しますまとめましょう

(32) 科学が解明したこととビジネスで行われていることの間には食い違いがあります 科学が解明したのは 1. 20世紀的な報酬 ビジネスで当然のものだとみんなが思っている動機付けは 機能はするが驚くほど狭い範囲の状況にしか合いません 2. If Then式の報酬は時にクリエイティビティを損なってしまいます 3. 高いパフォーマンスの秘訣は 報酬と罰ではなく 見えない内的な意欲にあります 自分自身のためにやるという意欲 それが重要なことだからやるという意欲

(33) 大事なのは 私たちがこのことを知っているということです科学はそれを確認しただけです 科学知識とビジネスの慣行の間の このミスマッチを正せば 21世紀的な動機付けの考え方を 採用すれば 怠惰で危険でイデオロギー的な アメとムチを脱却すれば 私たちは会社を強くし 多くのロウソクの問題を解き そしておそらくは 世界を変えることができるのです これにて立証を終わります (拍手)


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