Bird Words

2013年10月30日 VOA, Words and Their Stories.

Read and understand the article. If you may have any difficult words to pronounce and words you cannot understand, always ask your teacher.

*Teachers will divide the article into 2-3 paragraphs to help you understand and check the pronunciation of the difficult words.


*Read the words carefully.

  1. worthless /ˈwɚθləs/(adj.)having no financial value
  2. flock /flɑ:k/ (v.)to gather or move in a crowd
  3. clip /ˈklɪp/ (v.)to hold (two or more things) together with a clip
  4. roost /ˈru:st/ (v.)a place where birds rest or sleep)
  5. criticism /ˈkrɪtəˌsɪzəm/(n.)the act of expressing disapproval and of noting the problems or faults of a person or thing : the act of criticizing someone or something


Words and Their Stories: Bird Words

* Read the text below

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 (1)Today we explain some expressions about birds. For example, if something is for the birds, it is worthless or not very interesting. Someone who eats like a bird eats very little. And a birds-eye view is a general look at an area from above.

(2) Did you know that if you tell a young person about the birds and the bees you are explaining about sex and birth? Have you ever observed that birds of a feather flock together? In other words, people who are similar become friends or do things together. Here is some good advice: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. This means you should not risk losing something you have by trying to get more of something you do not have.

(3) Sometimes I can do two things by performing only one action. This is called killing two birds with one stone. But I would never really kill any birds. I love all kinds of animals. This is a real feather in my cap. It is something to be proud of.

(4) Most of the people I work with are early birds. They believe that the early bird catches the worm. They think that a person who gets up early in the morning for work has the best chance of success. Everyone in my office works hard, but some people have had their wings clipped. Their jobs have been limited. This is because the office is organized by pecking order. People with more years and experience are given more responsibility.

(5) Some bird expressions are about crows, chickens and ducks. For example, when I am driving, I always travel as the crow flies. I go the most direct way. Anyone who eats crow has to admit a mistake or defeat.

(6) Now let’s talk about my sister. She is not very young. She is no spring chicken. She will work any job for chicken feed — a small amount of money. She is easily frightened. For example, she is too chicken-livered to walk down a dark street alone at night. Often she will chicken out – she will not go out alone at night.

(7) My sister was an ugly duckling. She looked strange when she was a child, but she grew up to be a beautiful woman. Sometimes she thinks too much about having something in the future before she really has it. She counts her chickens before they are hatched. Sometimes her chickens come home to roost. That means her actions or words cause trouble for her. However, my sister does not worry about what people say about her. Criticism falls off her like water off a duck’s back.

(8) Politicians are sometimes considered lame ducks after losing an election. They have little time left in office and not much power. Congress holds a lame duck session after an election. Important laws are not passed during this period.


*Let’s talk about the article base on the questions below

  1. Are you interested in birds? Have you ever had a bird as a pet? (Is a bird a good pet?)
  2. A saying goes, “An early bird catches the worms” Do you agree with this statement? Please give some sample situations.
  3. In your country, do companies organize the responsibilities in pecking order? Why do you think this is effective?

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